The purpose of the sensitivity test is to see if the solution can be tasted
STEP 1 – Place the hood over the employee’s head with hole facing forward.
STEP 2 – Instruct employee to breathe through their mouth with their tongue extended. Employee needs to let you know when they taste the solution.
STEP 3 – Administer up to 30 squeezes of the sensitivity solution through the hole in the hood. Squeeze bulb completely each time!
- Stop the test as soon as the employee indicates they can taste the solution
- Ask employee to describe the taste to make sure they are tasting it
- Record their taste threshold
- If using the nebulizer with multiple employees, clean nebulizer nozzle with sanitizing wipes between each person.
- If the employee cannot taste the solution after 30 squeezes try a different solution, such as Sodium Saccharin.
- If the employee cannot taste both solutions, they cannot proceed with a qualitative fit test.
1-10 squeezes = taste threshold is 10
11-20 squeezes = taste threshold is 20
21-30 squeezes = taste threshold is 30