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Administering a Qualitative Respirator Fit Test

Qualitative Fit Test Complete

If the employee makes it through all 7 exercises without tasting the solution, the make, model and size of the respirator is considered to be an appropriate fit.

Make note of respirator make, model, and size along with date of fit test. This information may be required by OSHA as proof of fit test.

No other respirator make, model or size may be substituted without a fit test on the exact make, model and size that will be worn.

Empty nebulizers at the end of fit testing for the day, or at least every 4 hours if using saccharin solution.

Rinse all internal parts of nebulizers in hot water.

Air dry parts and reassemble nebulizers for future use.

Dispose of hoods (single use) or wipe down reusable hoods with disinfectant and allow to dry at least 15 minutes before next use.